New Year, New You?

We are used to the narrative peddled at us each year: the beginning of a new year should mean resolutions we can only really keep up for approximately 4 weeks before our enthusiasm wanes. It should also mean a healthier lifestyle: more veggies, more exercising and less of all of our vices like alcohol, smoking, chocolates etc. You can see it in the adverts for things like monthly food boxes, gym subscriptions and vegan products. And to a certain extent, I understand it; we all like to think we can achieve a… Read More

A New Year is coming…

What a year this has been! None of us knew what was going to be in store. And if we’re honest, we find ourselves still in the middle of this journey. The changing of one year to another is a moment to pause, reflect, and set our eyes straight for the new year ahead. That’s why I’ve made this video to share with you. I’ve made this with each person from our fledgling church community in mind, these friends who have grown closer as we’ve walked through this year, but it can… Read More